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 Author: H. Hoehn  Category: Report  Publisher: Tpp  Published: 06 Jan, 1970  Pub Number: 226r  Pages: 4  Country: Canada  Language: English  Dimension: 8.5x11  File Size: 7mb Download / View

We have seen many of these come and go, and many others that we do not care to mention just now including Women-Writers who went off the Deep-end, fell for “YAHWEH” or otherwise drifted off into Deep-Space. Anti-Church! A great number, it seems the height of Religion if they remain True to a Church no matter what they do. Stick to the ship it’s going through! To cleave to a Church like leaches to a rock, no matter which Way the tides rise and fall, or the winds blow, only proves an infinitesimally small Mind.