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 Author: H. Hoehn  Category: Report  Publisher: Tpp  Published: 19 Apr, 1973  Pub Number: 277 R  Language: English Download / View

THE SEALING AND THE ADVENTIST. 144,000 – Since the Shepherd’s Rod Fiasco of 1959- the 144,000 has become a “SYMBOLIC NUMBER” Not meaning anything. “The NUMBER of God’s people will not be REDUCED to 144,000. Our ranks will not be Diminished (“The congregation is Holy, Every ONE of them!”) Because there will be a mighty ingathering of souls, and it is a TRAGEDY to try to NARROW the Church down to a LITERAL 144,000”…. p.27-8 Red Report of 1960 Evangelistic Council. R.S. Watts. ….Harry W. Lowe: “I think I can smell HERESY a long way off, but I tell you frankly that I do not know of any Leaders who are trying to change the Fundamental Doctrines of this Message.” p. 58 – Walter Schubert: “I can preach The “Mark of the Beast” without saying a WORD about BABYLON.” p.59. And so piling HERESY deeper and Deeper- we go back to the Testimonies from the Lord.